
Aureusimine B View larger

Aureusimine B


CAS 170713-71-0

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$126.00 per mg

Quantity Discount Table - Order More To Get More Price Discount

QuantitymgUnit Price ($/mg or $/Unit)Final Price
1100 $56.70 Total: $5,670.00
150 $65.52 Total: $3,276.00
125 $76.86 Total: $1,921.50
110 $90.72 Total: $907.20
15 $107.10 Total: $535.50

Data sheet

Molecular FormulaC14H16N2O
Molecular Weight228.29
CAS Numbers170713-71-0
Storage Condition0C Short Term, -20C Long Term
Purity98% by HPLC
SMILES CodeCC(C)c1ncc(Cc2ccccc2)[nH]c1=O
ReferencesSecor PR, Jennings LK, James GA, Kirker KR, Pulcini ED, McInnerney K, Gerlach R, Livinghouse T, Hilmer JK, Bothner B, Fleckman P, Olerud JE, Stewart PS. Phevalin [aureusimine B] production by Staphylococcus aureus biofilm and impacts on human keratinocyte gene expression. PLoS One. 2012;7[7] e40973. doi 10.1371journal.pone.0040973. Epub 2012 Jul 13. Erratum in PLoS One. 2012;7[10]. doi 10.1371annotation0fc3d60c-8ae4-4f04-be17-d5d245b4eef5. PMID 22808288; PMCID PMC3396627.

More info

Aureusimine B, a Calpain inhibitor, is produced by Staphylococcus aureus biofilms and could be a potential biomarker for S. aureus biofilm-based infections.