

Q: How to get a price quote from the product page?

1) On any product page, type the exact quantity on any specific unit size and the price will be automatically calculated.

2) Click print quotation button on the product page, the quotation with product name, quantity and price information can be printed out or saved as pdf format.

3) In case the customer wants to calculate the price on specific molarity, click the MortCart first to calculate the exact molarity and close the MortCart, the quantity for that unit size will be transferred to Cart and then click print quotation button to generate quotes.


Q: How to use Molarity Calculation Cart (MolCart) ?

On the product page, the customer can use the Molarity Calculation Cart (MolCart) to calculate any specific unit size used in specific molarity of the solution. The unit quantity generated from the MolCart will automatically transfer to the shopping cart with the relavant price shown. Customer can purchase this quantity by close the MolCart and continue to use the shopping cart to complete the ordering.


Q: How can I find the price of any specific unit size ?

AOBIOUS lists ALL UNIT SIZE for each product. Customer can choose any unit size based on the need in order to avoid ordering extra material to waste. The discountwill be based on the increase of unit size.

To get the exact price on specific unit size as your need, just change the number on unit size either by typing or clicking "+" or "-" sign and the discounted unit price will be shown automatically.


Q: How accurate does sample be weighed out?

A: Accurate measurement of sample is essential for getting valid and reproducible results. We calibrate our balance with readout 0.1 mg daily at room temperature 72F. All AOBIOUS sample unit under 50 mg quantity can be weighted at exact weight down to two decimal on microgram level. ex 5.23 mg etc. 


Q: Price match consideration?

A: We would like to make customer to purchase research product at affordable price. We'll match and beat the product prices to all major competitors. We often could beat our competitor's price by 15 to 50% lower. If you could find the price of any of our product higher than our competitors, you should talk to us and we would be able to help you out with better offer.


Q: When I issued an order online how fast the order usually could be processed to ship out during your business hour?

A: Because the product and shipping information was typed in by the customer, the regular speed to process the order is less than 45 min. The customer should receive the confirmation of shipment within 1-2 hours. If the customer did not receive the confirmation by tracking the information they should contact us immediately. Our business hours is from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time. Even when the order received at 6:30 PM more often it would be shipped out at the same day to catch the last FedEx pick up time at 8:30 PM.