Primary Cells

Human Primary Small Intestinal Smooth Muscle Cells View larger

Human Primary Small Intestinal Smooth Muscle Cells


Each vial contains >5x105 cells in 1mL volume

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Molarity Calculation Cart®



$1,219.00 per 1mL

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Cell Details

The small intestine in the abdomen, the upper end of the pylorus is connected to the stomach, and the lower end is connected to the large intestine through the cardia. The small intestine and the heart are in the table. It is the main place for digestion and absorption of food. It is entangled in the abdominal cavity. It is connected to the pylorus of the stomach and is connected to the cecum. It is about 5-6 meters in length and has half a basketball. It is divided into three parts: the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum. The wall of the tube is composed of mucosa, submucosa, muscle layer and serosa. Small intestinal leiomyosarcoma is a malignant tumor originating from the muscular wall of the small intestine, the submucosal muscle layer and the vascular smooth muscle of the intestinal wall, and is the most common type of small intestinal connective tissue malignant tumor. Therefore, the culture of small intestinal smooth muscle cells in vitro provides a basis and premise for the study of small intestinal leiomyosarcoma. 

Cell Characteristics

1) Cells are derived from human normal intestinal tissue. 
2) Cell identification: Smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) immunofluorescence staining was positive. 
3) The purity of the identified cells is higher than 90%. 
4) Does not contain HIV-1, HBV, HCV, mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast and fungi. 
5) Cell growth mode: long spindle cells, adherent culture. 

Transportation and Preservation

Depending on the weather conditions and the distance of transportation, the company negotiates with the customer and chooses one of the following methods.

1) 1mL of frozen cell suspension is placed in a 1.8mL cryotube and placed in a foam incubator filled with dry ice for transport; after receiving the cells, thaw the resuscitated cells as soon as possible for culture. If resuscitation is not possible immediately, Cryopreserved cells can be stored at -80°C for 1 month.
2) T-25 culture flask is filled with complete medium and then transported at room temperature. After receiving the cells, please observe the growth state of the cells under a microscope. If the bottle filling rate exceeds 85%, please carry out the subculture immediately. If there are more cells in suspension, allow the flask to stand overnight in the incubator to help the undead suspension cells to reattach.

Product Use

1) This product can only be used for scientific research 
2) This product has not passed the audit for living animals and humans directly. 
3) This product has not passed the audit for in vivo diagnosis.